DC Latino Caucus Elects Latino Representatives to DC Democratic Party


Mario Cristaldo and Roxana Olivas were elected Ex-Officio members of the DC Democratic State Committee (DCDSC) on November 15, 2012. They will be the DC Latino Caucus representatives to the DC Democratic Party for a two-year term. Elections were held at the Josephine Butler Center. The DC Democratic State Committee helped managed the elections. Elections Committee members included: Ronnie Edwards, Elections Chair, Bill O’Field, DC Democratic State Committee Executive Director and Robert Brannum, Ward 5 Democrats Chair.

Mario Cristaldo won re-election and will be serving a second term on the DCDSC, he run against Jose Sueiro and Amilcar Guzman. Roxana Olivas is the new representative and will be replacing Silvia Martinez. Silvia Martinez did not seek re-election and Roxana Olivas did not have any challengers. The DC Democratic State Committee is the official representation of the Democratic Party in the Nation’s Capital. You can learn more about the DC Democratic Party by visiting http://www.dcdemocraticparty.org.


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