Veterans for DC Statehood Message to Congress


Veterans United for DC Statehood assembled to send a message to Congress to grant the more than 700,000 residents of Washington DC Statehood.  For over 220 years the residents of the Nation’s Capital have been denied voting representation in Congress.  The United States is the only free democracy in the world that denies residents of the national capital voting representation in the national legislation (Congress).  With a hearing for DC Statehood in the US House of Representatives scheduled for March 22, members of Veterans United for DC Statehood, want to make sure their voices are heard.  “We fought for freedom all over the world, only to come home and realize we don’t have that same freedom we sought for others,” said Hector Rodriguez, Chairman of Veterans United for DC Statehood.  Washington DC is home to over 30,000 veterans.  in the 116th Congress, the US House voted for DC Statehood, but the measure failed to get a vote in the Senate, before Bill expired.  In this Congress, residents of Washington DC, who overwhelmingly support DC Statehood, hope the DC Statehood Bill (H.R. 51) in Congress has a better fate.  President Biden has said he supports making DC the 51st state in the union.   


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