DC Statehood Day


DC Statehood was celebrated on May 1, 2023.  This year’s celebration was hosted by The DC Statehood PAC.  Events included a Press Conference with Congresswoman Eleanor Holmes Norton at the National Press Club and a DC Statehood film-documentary.  The DC Council issued a Resolution and the Mayor a Proclamation, both naming May 1 as DC Statehood Day.  The event’s organizers hope this day will continue as a tradition and that every year May 1 will be DC Statehood Day.  May 1 was chosen because residents in the Nation’s Capital want Washington DC to become the 51st state, and May, being the 5th month, combined with the first day of the month make up 51.   The group has a series of action items on their website dcstatehoodpac.com that residents and visitors to the site can take on DC Statehood Day and beyond, to promote DC Statehood.  One action items on the list is to sign a petition in support of DC Statehood.  They also hope that many take to social media to promote #DCStatehoodDAY.


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