DC Mayor Vincent Gray Introduces DC Driver License Bill for Undocumented Immigrants


DC Mayor Vincent Gray announced a new Bill to allow undocumented DC residents to obtain DC driver’s license. The measure is in line with a other states like New Mexico, Washington State, Utah, Maryland, and Illinois that currently have laws allowing the issuance of driver licenses to undocumented drivers in those states. A dozen other states are working to implement similar measures. Nationwide, It is estimated that 2 million drivers are undocumented immigrants. The District of Columbia has an estimate 25,000 undocumented immigrants. It is unclear how many will benefit from this measure in the Nation’s Capital. Initial reports indicate that the proposed Bill will give undocumented immigrants the same license other drivers have, except it will indicate that when issued to undocumented immigrants, document cannot be used as a federal id, for example to board planes or access federal buildings.

The Bill is expected to pass the DC City Council before the September recess. Before becoming a law, the Bill must go through a 30 days Congressional review. If successful, the Bill could become a law sometime in the fall.


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